Thread subject: :: Female Tabanus sudeticus, or bovinus?

Posted by Markus Koschinsky on 22-05-2022 14:57

Thanks a lot, Axel!

Hybomitra could fit, although, from the information which I found on the internet, I will likely not be able to see sufficiently details on my pictures to come to the species... I see orange basis of the antenna, I see pale-orange side-markings on tergit 1 & 2, and a glimpse of the same color on tergit 3, I see the bright triangle-shaped marks on the center line of the abdomen, it does NOT have orange upper parts of the tibiae... but I can't see the color of the hair on the 2nd tergit.

There's no description of a species that would fit to all characteristics.

Any chance? Or should I keep it a Hybomitra sp.?

