Thread subject: :: Palpimanidae - Palpimanus gibbulus - assassin spider :)

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 28-12-2007 19:48

I have seen almost all knew families for Portugal. :D About 50 in 108 worldwide! :) It lacks the cavernicolous spiders. :D (concerning the families).
I like specially the Eresidae and some Lyniphiidae - specially to observe their ethology.

I saw Cybaeidae - but not cited for Portugal. Indeed I have a videocast.. (s** video) with Argyroneta aquatica. :D

This Palpimanus is very specific on diet. As you can see, it has very strong and long legs I to catch more easily the other spiders and avoid the biting. ;) Not only Mimetidae or Archaeidae have assassin spiders :P