Thread subject: :: Christmas photos 2007

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 26-12-2007 00:44

Here... comes the first photo!

Your tongue will be full of saliva when you see this photo below :P

Well, this was my dish for the lunch time. And... yeah.. it is the second dish! :P Before I ate a very good octopus with onion/agrion/oil/vinegar and some more spices :P And there was a very nice "marisco" soup made by my brother (a very good cooker! Better than French cookers :P)

legend for the dish :) and more. eheh

1 - wine from Reguengos - vinho da zona de Reguengos
2 - Champagne Raposeira (I think!, lol)
3 - Condest?vel OLIVE oil - azeite Condest?vel - very, very good! I forgot the "OLIVE" word! LOL
4 - salt Vatel - sal :P lol
5 - spicy roast goat-kid - CABRITO assado no forno e com especiarias. ;)
6 - roasted potato - batata assada
7 - rice with kidneys and much more visceral parts of goat-kid. :P - ARROZ de mi?dos! (literally in English would be KIDS' RICE! lol)
8 - surprise... try to realize what is it... :)

the spices we use are gengibre, "noz moscada", malagueta, pepper, "pimentos", and some more. ;)

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 26-12-2007 01:05