Thread subject: :: Tabanomorpha fieldguide

Posted by Zeegers on 09-09-2021 07:51

is just out !

The best 14 euro’s you have ever spend ( And I keep wondering why I am not rich 🤑)

For all non dutch readers: there will be an English translation, but not this year (spring 2022)



Posted by eklans on 09-09-2021 19:08

Patience, Theo, soon you will be the rich man - if you aren't already ;) - I've ordered!

Edited by eklans on 09-09-2021 19:09

Posted by Zeegers on 09-09-2021 21:12

Great Eric. And rest assured: I have enough money, hence I don't get one penny from your 14 euros. Jeugdbondsuitgeverij is world champion in making cheap books (their audience are youth = jeugd) and I gladly support them.


Posted by John Carr on 10-09-2021 04:24

Is voetkussentje a common entomological word?

Posted by Jan Willem on 10-09-2021 08:36

I already received the book. I can recommend it to everyone (although I can imagine some of you might want to wait for the English translation). For the price of Euro 14.-- I think it is still worth buying it, even if Dutch is not that easy for you to read.

Congratulations Theo, very nice publication!!!

Posted by Zeegers on 10-09-2021 09:06

@John : we in the Netherlands have a tradition of using dutch terms in popular science. In dipterology, this dates back to Van der Goot in the 1950s.
So, we avoid “pulvilli” and say “voetkussentjes”

Personally, I totally overlooked it can be read as “kissing feet”.

My boss predicts this book will have a large “secondary market of interest”
