Thread subject: :: Cephalia rufipes (Ulidiidae)

Posted by Matzke-Hajek on 06-07-2021 12:04

I found Cephalia rufipes near Bonn, Germany. Where are the nearest records within Germany? Has the species been found in our federal state (Northrhine-Westphalia) before?
Greetings - Günter

Posted by Ben Hamers on 06-07-2021 19:51

Yes, it has been found in NRW before : (Meigen, 1826: “Herr Baumhauer fing das Weibchen im August am Lustberge bei Aachen”) in :


In the province of Limburg in the Netherlands have been several sightings in the last years.


Posted by Matzke-Hajek on 07-07-2021 07:35

Dear Ben, thanks for your reply! "Lustberg bei Aachen" is today called Lousberg - situated right north of downtown Aachen. It is also the type locality of Meigen's Miltogramma punctata.
Anyway, Cephalia rufipes might be mistaken as a Sepsis in the field. It moves exactly like Sepsis fulgens or other ant-mimicking flies, it is just a little too big...