Thread subject: :: Fly from Sochi

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 24-11-2005 13:30

1. Thank you Paul.
2. After half year in Entomology I becoming sure that time of teza/antiteza keys is over. We need new computer key! The key for all visible caracters on image (or all caracters which user understand). Even short family information in Netherlands checklist... is in 90% cases enoght for family identification, but practicaly difficult to use. This new key will lead to one Family or to 5 possible families out of 150. Even the stupid fact that some arista present help to exclude one family! Than one can look images of this 5 families and find right fly.
3. I'll start this work (organisation and finance) in short future. May be we'll get something useable till start of next field season.