Thread subject: :: Spider having lunch

Posted by Maik Hausotte on 20-05-2021 15:21

Is it possible to give this spider meal a name?
Best regards,

Photo: May 8, 2021, Leipzig (Saxony, Germany)

Posted by eklans on 20-05-2021 15:34

Hi Maik, Xysticus cf. cristatus vs. ? (Muscid?).

Posted by Maik Hausotte on 20-05-2021 15:55

Hi Eric,
Thank you for the info. I have often seen spiders eating in this meadow (attached is a photo of Thomisus onustus with Halictus scabiosae).
Best regards,

Posted by John Carr on 20-05-2021 17:48

Muscidae or Anthomyiidae

Posted by Maik Hausotte on 20-05-2021 18:34

Thank you for the help.
Best regards,