Thread subject: :: What is this tachinidae ?

Posted by ORCHALLAN on 30-03-2021 14:28

I’m not even sure of the family for this male ... Muscidae, Tachinidae, Calliphoridae ....
So thank you in advance for your help
ORCHALLAN : France : Paris : 75018 : 28/03/2021
Altitude : 64 m - Taille : 11mm
Réf. : 277893
ORCHALLAN : France : Paris : 75018 : 28/03/2021
Altitude : 64 m - Taille : 11mm
Réf. : 277906
ORCHALLAN : France : Paris : 75018 : 28/03/2021
Altitude : 64 m - Taille : 11mm
Réf. : 277967

Thank you

Edited by ORCHALLAN on 31-03-2021 17:24

Posted by John Carr on 30-03-2021 15:20

Tachinidae. Calliphoridae do not have hairy eyes. Muscidae with bent vein M and hairy eyes have fewer postsutural acrostichals.

Posted by ORCHALLAN on 31-03-2021 10:33

Thank you, John, is it possible to determine the genus, even the species?

Posted by tristram on 31-03-2021 16:23

Change the title to "Tachinidae" to attract the attention of Theo Zeegers

Posted by ORCHALLAN on 31-03-2021 17:25

It's done, thank you for this advice

Posted by Zeegers on 02-04-2021 09:08

Yes, it is a Tachinid: Macquartia viridana or dispar.
Could you provide a picture of the abdomen obliquely from behind ( so 45 degrees view in the abdomen ) ?


Posted by ORCHALLAN on 02-04-2021 10:37

Hope this matches your request
ORCHALLAN : France : Paris : 75018 : 28/03/2021
Altitude : 64 m - Taille : 11mm
Réf. : 278210
Thank you

Posted by Zeegers on 02-04-2021 12:25

Sorry, obliquely from behind, so symmetrical. I need to see the pattern of dusting on the tergites.


Posted by ORCHALLAN on 02-04-2021 14:27

Thank you, the specimen having been preserved in alcohol, I am not sure that the "rot" is still visible, it is very kind of you to allow me to try to put a name on this Diptera.
Best regards
ORCHALLAN : France : Paris : 75018 : 28/03/2021
Altitude : 64 m - Taille : 11mm
Réf. : 278352

Posted by Zeegers on 03-04-2021 20:10

I am not sure. Most likely M. dispar. I think the alkohol messed up the abdominal pattern.


Posted by ORCHALLAN on 03-04-2021 20:59

Thank you Theo, it was also my fear