Thread subject: :: Cecidomyiidae sp.

Posted by victorengel on 24-03-2021 15:59

I'm seeing these fairly regularly lately. Is it possible to ID to genus from the photo?

... or even subfamily for that matter....

Edited by victorengel on 24-03-2021 16:01

Posted by John Carr on 24-03-2021 16:03

Supertribe Cecidomyiidi.

Posted by victorengel on 24-03-2021 16:12

Thanks. The antennae didn't seem to match anything I was finding on bugguide. I suppose these are more easily ID'd from the galls.

Edited by victorengel on 24-03-2021 16:15

Posted by John Carr on 24-03-2021 16:16

There are 12 cylindrical flagellomeres. The antennae are unusual. Asphondyliini have longer cylinders and other Cecidomyiidi have necks between them.