Thread subject: :: Phoridae aptere Puliciphora

Posted by jokari on 08-03-2021 10:08

I found this specimen in a compost.I saw that it could correspond to a Sphaeroceridae, whose family has a few aptera. Size less than 2mm. Would this inspire anyone?

Location: ORIN, France South West

Edited by jokari on 08-03-2021 18:24

Posted by Tony Irwin on 08-03-2021 12:21

I think Puliciphora (Phoridae)

Posted by jokari on 08-03-2021 13:17

Thanks for your help, Tony.

Posted by Jan Maca on 08-03-2021 15:19

I confirm the determination, although it is not necessary, as Tonyƛ determinations use to be precise. More importantly: Which is the locality? Fauna Europaea records Puliciphora (2 spp) only from Spain, France and Great Britain.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 08-03-2021 17:35

It is necessary to know if the hairs between posterior ocelli and outer bristles on vertex have trifid tips (rufipes) or not (borinquenensis). Difficult to discern in the photo... The former was already recorded from France.

Posted by jokari on 08-03-2021 18:28

Location: ORIN, France South West

Thanks to all of you. Unfortunately I don't have a more detailed picture to go further, but I note the details to look at given by Paul for another time. Thanks again

Edited by jokari on 08-03-2021 18:34