Posted by Urs on 21-11-2007 09:46
who can help to identify.
Foto: Switzerland, Wattwil SG, 750m NN, June, 03.2007
Thank you
Posted by ChrisR on 21-11-2007 10:23
Nyctia halterata (Sarcophagidae) perhaps :)
Looks a bit like a tachinid but it won't have a subscutellum and in the field very easy to identify from that dark-coloured leading edge to the wing and the way it holds its wings quite open.
Edited by ChrisR on 21-11-2007 10:24
Posted by Urs on 21-11-2007 13:27
Hello Chris,
Tachinidae was also my first idea. I have only this foto. Thank's a lot for your infos.
Best regards