Thread subject: :: Possibly Tachina magnicornis? (09.06.19) --> T. fera

Posted by Juergen Peters on 28-01-2021 18:36


can this be Tachina magnicornis? It it a female, though... On Leucanthemum vulgare on a meadow at forestborder (northwest Germany).

Edited by Juergen Peters on 29-01-2021 17:31

Posted by Juergen Peters on 28-01-2021 18:36

Pic #2

Posted by Juergen Peters on 28-01-2021 18:36

Pic #3

Posted by eklans on 28-01-2021 20:15

Hi Jürgen, I think your images are all T. fera. Included is a collage of a fly showing two of the significant characters: the slim band getting broad on tergit 5 and the front tarsi being dark brown to black!
(also: in fera, the male's fore claws are very long and the male usually do not have oe.)

Greetings, Eric

Edited by eklans on 28-01-2021 20:35

Posted by Zeegers on 29-01-2021 07:54

I agree, but the vertex is unusually broad.
Please note that all colour features are unreliable.
To be honest, ALL features are unreliable, except male genitalia ( very distinctive)


Posted by Juergen Peters on 29-01-2021 17:28

Thank you, Eric and Theo!

I have taken photos of hundreds of Tachina last year. 99% are straight forward T. fera. I only posted some (for me) ambigous specimens. Because I was unsure interpreting the other characteristics correctly, I concentrated on the arrow/triangle shaped end of the abdomen band. Almost all look like this (which was not the case in the above specimen):

Edited by Juergen Peters on 29-01-2021 17:29