Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 18-11-2007 19:12
From hbs :)
Genus ALOPHORA Robineau-Desvoidy
ALOPHORA Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 293. Type species: Syrphus hemipterus Fabricius, 1794, des. Coquillett, 1910: 505.
HALOPHORA Agassiz, 1846b: 14 (unjust. emend. of Alophora).
ALLOPHORA, error for Alophora.
Subgenus ALOPHORELLA Townsend
ALOPHORELLA Townsend, 1912: 45 (as gen.). Type species: Thereva obesa Fabricius, 1798, orig. des.
AUSTROPHASIA Townsend, 1916e: 45 (as gen.). Type species: Hyalomya rufiventris Macquart, 1851, orig. des.
aureiventris Curran, 1927e: 165. Australia (Qld).
chrysis Malloch, 1930f: 95 (Hyalomyia). Australia (WA).
costalis Malloch, 1929m: 284 (Hyalomyia). Australia (NSW).
discalis Malloch, 1930f: 95 (Hyalomyia). Australia (WA); Australia (?Qld, Tas).
Subgenus MORMONOMYIA Brauer & Bergenstamm
MORMONOMYIA Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 388 (as gen.). Type species: Mormonomyia laniventris Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891 (as "laniventris Wd.") [= Phasia argentifrons Walker, 1849], des. Sharp, 1893: 301.
basalis Malloch, 1930f: 96 (Hyalomyia). Australia (NSW).
hyalis Malloch, 1930f: 96 (Hyalomyia). Australia (NSW).
lativentris Malloch, 1929i: 110 (Hyalomyia). Australia (Qld).
nigrihirta Malloch, 1929i: 112 (Hyalomyia). Australia (Vic); Australia (Qld).
Unplaced species of Alophora Robineau-Desvoidy
nigrisquama Malloch, 1929i: 110 (Hyalomyia). Australia (NSW).
BESSERIOIDES Curran, 1938: 185. Type species: Besserioides sexualis Curran, 1938 [= Catharosia varicolor Curran, 1927], orig. des.
sexualis Curran, 1938: 185. Australia (Qld).
TAYLORIA Malloch, 1930f: 98. Type species: Tayloria testacea Malloch, 1930, orig. des. [Preocc. Bourguignat, 1889.]
EFFTAYLORIA Malloch, 1941: 64 (n. n. for Tayloria).
ochromyoides Walker, 1865b: 118 (Lamprogaster). "New Guinea" [= Indonesia (Irian Jaya)].
ochromyioides, error for ochromyoides.
testacea Malloch, 1930f: 98 (Tayloria). Australia (Qld).
PENTATOMOPHAGA de Meijere, 1917: 246. Type species: Pentatomophaga bicincta de Meijere, 1917, mon.
bicincta de Meijere, 1917: 247. Indonesia (Java); Australia (Qld), PNG (Bismarck Arch), Solomon Is [introduced; not established].
Genus PHASIA Latreille
PHASIA Latreille, 1804: 195. Type species: Conops subcoleoptratus Linnaeus, 1767, subs. des. Latreille, 1805: 379.
HYALOMYA Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 298 (as gen.). Type species: Phasia semicinerea Meigen, 1824 [= Phasia pusilla Meigen, 1824], des. Westwood, 1840: 140.
HYALOMYIA, error for Hyalomya.
CAMPBELLIA Miller, 1923a: 432. Type species: Campbellia campbelli Miller, 1923, des. Townsend, 1938: 43.
australiensis Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 162. Australia (WA).
brachyptera Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 27. Australia (Vic).
campbelli Miller, 1923a: 433 (Campbellia). NZ (NZ).
cockaynei Miller, 1923a: 436. NZ (NZ).
lancifera Malloch, 1930j: 309 (Hyalomyia). NZ (NZ).
cylindrata Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 193. PNG (PNG).
faceta Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 129. PNG (PNG).
frontata Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 52. Australia (NSW).
furcata Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 31. Australia (Tas).
hippobosca Paramonov, 1958d: 594 (Hyalomyia). Australia (ACT); Australia (Vic).
latifrons Paramonov, 1958d: 596 (Besserioides). Australia (ACT).
lepidofera Malloch, 1929i: 111 (Hyalomyia). Australia (NSW).
minima Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 197. PNG (PNG).
normalis Curran, 1927b: 355 (Strongylogaster). Australia (Qld).
bancrofti Paramonov, 1958d: 597 (Besserioides). Australia (Qld).
rufiventris Macquart, 1851: 188(215) (Hyalomya). Australia (Tas).
sensua Curran, 1927b: 354 (Strongylogaster). Australia (Qld).
varicolor Curran, 1927e: 165 (Catharosia). Australia (Qld).
Genus SARALBA Walker
SARALBA Walker, 1865b: 114. Type species: Saralba ocypteroides Walker, 1865, mon.
PSEUDOTRICHOPODA Malloch, 1933d: 77. Type species: Pseudotrichopoda varipes Malloch, 1933 [= Saralba ocypteroides Walker, 1865], orig. des.
ocypteroides Walker, 1865b: 114. "New Guinea" [= Indonesia (Irian Jaya)]; Australia (NSW, Qld), PNG (PNG).
varipes Malloch, 1933d: 78 (Pseudotrichopoda). Australia (Qld).
bancrofti Paramonov, 1956: 373. Australia (Qld).
Genus TRICHOPODA Berthold
TRICHOPODE Latreille, 1825: 498. Unavailable name; vernacular name without status in nomenclature.
TRICHOPODA Berthold, 1827: 508. Type species: Thereva plumipes Fabricius, 1805, des. Coquillett, 1910: 616.
POLISTOMYIA Townsend, 1908: 132. Type species: Trichopoda trifasciata Loew, 1863 [= Thereva plumipes Fabricius, 1805], orig. des.
TRICHIOPODA, error for Trichopoda.
Subgenus GALACTOMYIA Townsend