Thread subject: :: Tachinidae - Phasia sp. from Australia

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 18-11-2007 16:39


* locality - Herdsman lake - Perth - Australia
* date - 2007.11.16
* size - small fly
* habitat - near lake
* substrate - unknown

I'm pretty sure that this is a beautiful Phasia sp.

This photo was taken with a MPE-65 by a friend of mine Farhan Bokhari.

Posted by ChrisR on 18-11-2007 19:08

It certainly looks like a Phasia but I'm not sure when the australasian phasiines are like.

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 18-11-2007 19:12

From hbs :)


Genus ALOPHORA Robineau-Desvoidy

ALOPHORA Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 293. Type species: Syrphus hemipterus Fabricius, 1794, des. Coquillett, 1910: 505.
HALOPHORA Agassiz, 1846b: 14 (unjust. emend. of Alophora).
ALLOPHORA, error for Alophora.

Subgenus ALOPHORELLA Townsend

ALOPHORELLA Townsend, 1912: 45 (as gen.). Type species: Thereva obesa Fabricius, 1798, orig. des.
AUSTROPHASIA Townsend, 1916e: 45 (as gen.). Type species: Hyalomya rufiventris Macquart, 1851, orig. des.
aureiventris Curran, 1927e: 165. Australia (Qld).
chrysis Malloch, 1930f: 95 (Hyalomyia). Australia (WA).
costalis Malloch, 1929m: 284 (Hyalomyia). Australia (NSW).
discalis Malloch, 1930f: 95 (Hyalomyia). Australia (WA); Australia (?Qld, Tas).

Subgenus MORMONOMYIA Brauer & Bergenstamm

MORMONOMYIA Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891: 388 (as gen.). Type species: Mormonomyia laniventris Brauer & Bergenstamm, 1891 (as "laniventris Wd.") [= Phasia argentifrons Walker, 1849], des. Sharp, 1893: 301.
basalis Malloch, 1930f: 96 (Hyalomyia). Australia (NSW).
hyalis Malloch, 1930f: 96 (Hyalomyia). Australia (NSW).
lativentris Malloch, 1929i: 110 (Hyalomyia). Australia (Qld).
nigrihirta Malloch, 1929i: 112 (Hyalomyia). Australia (Vic); Australia (Qld).

Unplaced species of Alophora Robineau-Desvoidy

nigrisquama Malloch, 1929i: 110 (Hyalomyia). Australia (NSW).


BESSERIOIDES Curran, 1938: 185. Type species: Besserioides sexualis Curran, 1938 [= Catharosia varicolor Curran, 1927], orig. des.
sexualis Curran, 1938: 185. Australia (Qld).


TAYLORIA Malloch, 1930f: 98. Type species: Tayloria testacea Malloch, 1930, orig. des. [Preocc. Bourguignat, 1889.]
EFFTAYLORIA Malloch, 1941: 64 (n. n. for Tayloria).
ochromyoides Walker, 1865b: 118 (Lamprogaster). "New Guinea" [= Indonesia (Irian Jaya)].
ochromyioides, error for ochromyoides.
testacea Malloch, 1930f: 98 (Tayloria). Australia (Qld).


PENTATOMOPHAGA de Meijere, 1917: 246. Type species: Pentatomophaga bicincta de Meijere, 1917, mon.
bicincta de Meijere, 1917: 247. Indonesia (Java); Australia (Qld), PNG (Bismarck Arch), Solomon Is [introduced; not established].

Genus PHASIA Latreille

PHASIA Latreille, 1804: 195. Type species: Conops subcoleoptratus Linnaeus, 1767, subs. des. Latreille, 1805: 379.
HYALOMYA Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 298 (as gen.). Type species: Phasia semicinerea Meigen, 1824 [= Phasia pusilla Meigen, 1824], des. Westwood, 1840: 140.
HYALOMYIA, error for Hyalomya.
CAMPBELLIA Miller, 1923a: 432. Type species: Campbellia campbelli Miller, 1923, des. Townsend, 1938: 43.
australiensis Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 162. Australia (WA).
brachyptera Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 27. Australia (Vic).
campbelli Miller, 1923a: 433 (Campbellia). NZ (NZ).
cockaynei Miller, 1923a: 436. NZ (NZ).
lancifera Malloch, 1930j: 309 (Hyalomyia). NZ (NZ).
cylindrata Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 193. PNG (PNG).
faceta Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 129. PNG (PNG).
frontata Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 52. Australia (NSW).
furcata Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 31. Australia (Tas).
hippobosca Paramonov, 1958d: 594 (Hyalomyia). Australia (ACT); Australia (Vic).
latifrons Paramonov, 1958d: 596 (Besserioides). Australia (ACT).
lepidofera Malloch, 1929i: 111 (Hyalomyia). Australia (NSW).
minima Sun in Sun & Marshall, 2003: 197. PNG (PNG).
normalis Curran, 1927b: 355 (Strongylogaster). Australia (Qld).
bancrofti Paramonov, 1958d: 597 (Besserioides). Australia (Qld).
rufiventris Macquart, 1851: 188(215) (Hyalomya). Australia (Tas).
sensua Curran, 1927b: 354 (Strongylogaster). Australia (Qld).
varicolor Curran, 1927e: 165 (Catharosia). Australia (Qld).

Genus SARALBA Walker

SARALBA Walker, 1865b: 114. Type species: Saralba ocypteroides Walker, 1865, mon.
PSEUDOTRICHOPODA Malloch, 1933d: 77. Type species: Pseudotrichopoda varipes Malloch, 1933 [= Saralba ocypteroides Walker, 1865], orig. des.
ocypteroides Walker, 1865b: 114. "New Guinea" [= Indonesia (Irian Jaya)]; Australia (NSW, Qld), PNG (PNG).
varipes Malloch, 1933d: 78 (Pseudotrichopoda). Australia (Qld).
bancrofti Paramonov, 1956: 373. Australia (Qld).

Genus TRICHOPODA Berthold

TRICHOPODE Latreille, 1825: 498. Unavailable name; vernacular name without status in nomenclature.
TRICHOPODA Berthold, 1827: 508. Type species: Thereva plumipes Fabricius, 1805, des. Coquillett, 1910: 616.
POLISTOMYIA Townsend, 1908: 132. Type species: Trichopoda trifasciata Loew, 1863 [= Thereva plumipes Fabricius, 1805], orig. des.
TRICHIOPODA, error for Trichopoda.

Subgenus GALACTOMYIA Townsend

Posted by ChrisR on 18-11-2007 19:22

Ah yes, but which one is it? ;) I have never needed to identify an australian tachinid so I have never investigated if there are any keys :)

Posted by Liekele Sijstermans on 20-11-2007 10:45

A good key and recent revision of Phasia is found in:

Xuekui Sun & Stephen Marshall, 2003.
Systematics op Phasia Latreille (Diptera: Tachinidae). Zootaxa 276.

It has drawings of head and genitalia of each species world wide.
But nevertheless you'll need images of lateral view of head and genitalia.

There are to many species in this region to check all the descriptions.
Maybe you can contact a of the authors. You'll find there recent e-mail adress in the latest edition of Tachinid Times.
