Thread subject: :: Setacera aurata

Posted by Jan Wind on 07-01-2021 15:21

seen this fly april at edge of shallow muddy pool in mixed forest area. See bristle patches on sternites 3,4, and form of epandrium and surstylus. Posthumeral larger than humeral bristle.

Posted by Jan Wind on 07-01-2021 15:22

pic. 2 See black bristle patches at sternite 3,4

Edited by Jan Wind on 07-01-2021 15:34

Posted by Jan Wind on 07-01-2021 15:24

pic 3 epandrium with no clear median sulcus and unclear border with. Surstylus, surstylus with lateral process.

Edited by Jan Wind on 07-01-2021 15:32

Posted by Jan Wind on 07-01-2021 15:24

pic 4 see black velvety vertico-orbital line moderately wide (Location at eye border posterior of posterior orbital bristle towards vertex

Edited by Jan Wind on 07-01-2021 15:29

Posted by Jan Wind on 07-01-2021 15:25

pic 5