Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae (NL)

Posted by blaauw7 on 23-12-2020 13:50

22 Dec, Mid Netherlands, sky light. Male Heleomyzidae .

Gr Dick

Posted by blaauw7 on 23-12-2020 13:50


Posted by Andrzej on 23-12-2020 15:14

A weird Tephrochlamys species. Did you collect it? Maybe you can send it to me for a detailed examination... ;)

Posted by blaauw7 on 23-12-2020 17:19

Yes I did collect it. I will send you an email, for your address.

Gr Dick

Posted by Andrzej on 23-12-2020 18:01


Posted by Ectemnius on 28-12-2020 21:55

Hello Andrzej & Dick,
My suspicion is that it concerns Tephrochlamys rufiventris, but I have only a female. Another is the female of this observation: https://waarnemin...w/98060383 which has, like the specimen shown here, black antennae. In other Diptera, like the syrphid Episyrphus balteatus, darker specimens occur in winter. Thus far, all the observations of grey abdomened and black antenna Tephrochlamys c.f. rufiventris are from either December or January. I'm curious if this is a male (seems to be) and what you will find Andrzej!
Kind regards,