Thread subject: :: Sepsidae, Themira gracilis?

Posted by RasmusKeis on 14-12-2020 19:57

Could this be gracilis?
Denmark 31.vii.2020
Partly yellow legs and that stribe of dust on katepisternum.
Front femur with the bigger "spike" and the two black shorter pointy ones and the large setea also visible.
I have keyed it using PontMeier
It looks ok here: where they also list Denmark, but for some reason the species is not listed in our databases?!
I may very well have made a mistake.
Cheers :-) Rasmus

Posted by RasmusKeis on 14-12-2020 19:58

Not the best picture, but here is the front femur

Posted by RasmusKeis on 22-12-2020 20:46

T. gracilis has been confirmed

Posted by helge on 22-12-2020 21:14

Hi Rasmus, thank you for the link, I did not know sepsidnet! Nice..

Posted by Ectemnius on 28-12-2020 19:43

Hello Rasmus & helge,
Sepsidnet is very nice, but also very useful is the monograph of European Sepsidae, which is freely available online: https://www.resea.../263429542
As to the specimen I'm curious to know the circumstances of the capture. Could you tell more about it?
It is a very nice find and you should consider publishing the record somewhere. Quoting the aforementioned monograph: "Denmark: 1 specimen, without locality but maybe NEZ (Stæger)."
Kind regards,