Thread subject: :: Another Calliphora vicina?
Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-11-2007 17:00
This was a very large, dark
Calliphora female. But I think it is nevertheless
C. vicina again (?). (Novemver-15, Ostwestfalen/Germany.)
Large picture (1200x1200, 118 KB):
Edited by Juergen Peters on 16-11-2007 17:01
Posted by Zeegers on 16-11-2007 18:25
Correct, vicina
Posted by Xespok on 16-11-2007 18:27
The face color seems to vary a lot among the individuals. Some have reddish face, others have white, yet others black and white. I wonder if this has to do something with aging, or is just an individual variation.
Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-11-2007 18:46
Hello, Theo and Gabor!
Xespok wrote:
The face color seems to vary a lot among the individuals. Some have reddish face, others have white, yet others black and white. I wonder if this has to do something with aging, or is just an individual variation.
C. vicinas here have a yellowish to flesh coloured face. But it seems that there is really some darkening to more red in older individuals. This one seems to be rather worn, too.