Thread subject: :: Culicidae with plumose antennae --> Aedes sp. (male)

Posted by Tina S on 17-11-2020 02:18


I wanted to photograph this pretty mosquito from other perspectives, but it fled.
It is relatively big; compare with the size of the calyx of Primula veris.

Data: Germany, Lower Saxony, Sehnde, Höver, dry grassland, surrounded by damp woods (Gaim), 75 m, 7 May 2020.

Best regards,

Edited by Tina S on 17-11-2020 17:52

Posted by Tina S on 17-11-2020 02:18


Posted by Tina S on 17-11-2020 02:18


Posted by eklans on 17-11-2020 09:13

Hi Tina, it's probably a male Aedes sp. - and I guess it may be A. geniculatus.

Greetings, Eric

Posted by Tony Irwin on 17-11-2020 11:08

I think the palpomeres are too swollen for geniculatus - also the pale basal bands on the tergites appear to be unbroken, so I think it is more likely to be rusticus or similar

Posted by Tina S on 17-11-2020 17:52

Thank you Eric, thank you Tony! This is therefore my first Aedes sp. (I only had Culex sp. and Culiseta sp. yet - but at my place, indoors.)

Edited by Tina S on 17-11-2020 17:55