Thread subject: :: Phaonia subventa << Phaonia valida?

Posted by BartNap on 13-11-2020 10:42

October 2020, NW Poland

Edited by BartNap on 13-11-2020 13:35

Posted by eklans on 13-11-2020 13:00

Hi Bart, from what I can see it's a P. subventa. Abdomen translucent yellow, Scutellum apical yellow, crossveins slightly shaded.

Greetings, Eric

Posted by BartNap on 13-11-2020 13:33

Awesome, so it has been the 97 Diptera species spottet in our backyard. Thank you Eric!

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 13-11-2020 15:32

... and t1 with p-seta. Yes, subventa

Posted by BartNap on 13-11-2020 15:36

thank you Nikita!