Thread subject: :: Who ist this please? => probably Discomyza incurva

Posted by Stella M on 05-10-2020 21:34

found on 05-October-2020 in the nature reserve "Hoellberg" near Bad Kreuznach, Rhineland Palatinate, Germany.
Can it be further identified?
Many thanks and regards,

Edited by Stella M on 06-10-2020 19:32

Posted by Tony Irwin on 06-10-2020 12:10

No, this one is Ephydridae, probably Discomyza incurva. There is another species - Discomyza baechlii - which is found in Germany, but usually at higher altitudes than incurva. I cannot make out the necessary features to say which this one is.

Edited by Tony Irwin on 06-10-2020 12:24

Posted by Stella M on 06-10-2020 19:35

Hi Tony, thank you very much for the very interesting explanation! Altitude was appr. 200m. Unfortunately like so many interesting little flies, it flew away and I have no other photos.. But at least I know now the right "direction" for this quite bizarre little fly... Kind regards, Stella