Posted by Lothar Schuh on 02-10-2020 17:50
I have pics with bad quality, however can expetrs help?
about 5 mm long, found in Schwetzingen, Germany, 30 Aug. 2020
I checked Anthomidae and Muscidae
- 2 long scutellar bristles,
- 1 line of bristles on the presutural area,
- shadowed, brownish wing
- however, unclear to me if anal vein reaches margin of the wing (fades out).
I hopefully excluded guys with the same wing-shadowing (to start with)
Helina maculipennis
Phaonia fuscata
Lispocephala pallipalpis
Lispocephala falculata
Anthomyia liturata
Edited by Lothar Schuh on 02-10-2020 17:59