Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae or Sciomyzidae??

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 09-11-2007 10:31

Dear fly-forum,

As a beginning amateur I have often problems to even find the family of a fly I photographed, and I hope you can help me somewhat so I don't have to bother you too often with "simple" questions in the future. As an example I enclose a picture of which I believe to be a Suillia sp., based on the replies in some threads of other members with similar pictures.
I normally start with consulting Michael Chinery's insect guide to get a general idea, then I go to Paul Beuk's Diptera Checlist for details on the family whereafter I go for detailed pictures in your Diptera Gallery and follow threads in your forum. Often this helps me to come to a species. If I am still puzzled I post a "new thread".
Having followed above procedure with the enclosed picture I tend to believe it is a Suillia sp., but if I go in the Gallery to the picture of Sciomyzidae, Tetanocera elata I find that quite similar to my picture as well.
Where do I go wrong and what are the distinct differences in this case? Sciomyzidae "arista often plumose" and Heleomyzidae "arista bare to plumose" was not of great help to me here.

Thank you for any help.

Edited by Niek van Wijk on 09-11-2007 11:06

Posted by Paul Beuk on 09-11-2007 11:17

Heleomyzidae - Suillia.

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 09-11-2007 14:00

Thank you, Paul.
Best regards, Niek

Posted by Kahis on 09-11-2007 16:54

The five dorsocentral setae (per row) is a good character for this genus: 1 before the suture and 4 behind.

Posted by Niek van Wijk on 09-11-2007 17:16

Dear Kahis,
Thank you for your help.
regards, Niek