Thread subject: :: Unid. Heleomyziid from a cave

Posted by nick on 16-09-2020 12:22

Firstly apologies for the very poor photos. These were taken about 20m into a narrow adit mine in Cheshire
Anybody any idea what they might be? I'm assuming they belong to the Heleomyzidae. Notable for their bright blue thorax (other, poorer photos, they were much brighter blue). Aware that photo may not allow an ID.

Edited by nick on 16-09-2020 12:36

Posted by Tony Irwin on 16-09-2020 15:02

The combination of dark spots at the base of the dorsocentrals, and the pinkish postpronota, scutellum and occiput all suggest Gymnomus amplicornis to me.
But I should wait for confirmation from the experts! ;)

Edited by Tony Irwin on 16-09-2020 15:09

Posted by Andrzej on 16-09-2020 23:41

Yeah! It could be G. amplicornis, but a better pics are welcome!