Thread subject: :: Tachina fera
Posted by Reimund Ley on 15-09-2020 14:10
is our ID correct?
the fly was about 15mm.
found in Germany, Northrhein-Westfalia, Recklinghausen altitude 85m, 25. 8. 2020
Eine Bitte, die vielen hauptsächlich Deutsch-sprachigen user wären dankbar
für eine verständliche Erklärung zur Untertscheidung zwischen T. fera und T. magnicornis,
Edited by Reimund Ley on 15-09-2020 18:49
Posted by Reimund Ley on 15-09-2020 14:10
Posted by Reimund Ley on 15-09-2020 14:11
Posted by Reimund Ley on 15-09-2020 14:11
Posted by eklans on 15-09-2020 15:30
Yes, it's a female Tachina fera.
Some important characters (english/german):
fore tarsi yellow (brown) - male: fore claws very long
approx. as long as tars 4+5
abdomen: band on tergite 5 narrowed (arrow)
fore tarsi black - fore claws short
abdomen: band on tergite 5 broadened
einige wichtige Merkmale
vordere Tarsen gelb (braun) - Männchen: vordere Krallen sehr lang
(ungefähr so lang wie die beiden letzten Tarsenglieder)
Abdomen: dunkles Band auf Tergit 5 verschmälert (Pfeil)
vordere Tarsen schwarz - vordere Krallen auch beim Männchen kurz
Abdomen: dunkles Band auf Tergit 5 verbreitert
Greetings, Eric
Posted by Reimund Ley on 15-09-2020 18:49
Hello Eric,
thanks to you for identifikation and information.
hallo Eric,
vielen Dank für Deine ausführliche Antwort, :D
wir hoffen in Zukunft Fotos machen zu können, auf denen diese wichtige Merkmale zu sehen sind.
VG aus NRW
Posted by Zeegers on 16-09-2020 07:07
Eric is totally correct, but be warned all features are variable and some species seem genually intermediate. Width of vertex in male and esp. shape of male genitalia are highly distinctive.
So never base your ID on one feature only ( unless male genitalia)
That said, this is rock solid female fera, indeed.
Posted by Reimund Ley on 16-09-2020 10:49
hello Theo,
thanks for more information
so we try to get proper fotos and let it check by experts, too.
best wishes