Thread subject: :: Rather big Tachinidae: Peleteria? (09.08.20) --> P. rubescens

Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-08-2020 17:49


these reddish 10 mm Tachinids were very abundant in the last two weeks in our courtyard on Solidago canadensis, Origanum vulgare and Eupatorium cannabinum (northwest Germany). They resemble the also numerous Tachina (cf.) fera there, but have blackish legs, and are obviously not Nowickia ferox (I still miss that species here).

I thought they were Peleteria rubescens, because I found that species here in spring. But after Volker's post recently and the replies of the experts, I'm not sure about the species anymore.

Edited by Juergen Peters on 16-08-2020 19:56

Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-08-2020 17:49

Pic #2

Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-08-2020 17:50

Pic #3

Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-08-2020 17:50

Pic #4

Posted by Zeegers on 16-08-2020 18:33

Yes,mthey are Peleteria rubescens indeed. This species has two generations yearly !
Tachina (ex. grossa) always has the tibiae and the second antennal segment red.
Please do take care with Peleteria iavana (second antennal segment very yellow).


Posted by Juergen Peters on 16-08-2020 19:54

Hello Theo!

thanks one more time!

Zeegers wrote:
Peleteria rubescens indeed. This species has two generations yearly !

I assumed that. My first finds here were in late May (pics below from 29.+30.05.).

Please do take care with Peleteria iavana (second antennal segment very yellow).

I will watch out for it.