Thread subject: :: Sphaeroceridae ID

Posted by Forentom on 29-07-2020 00:06


I found it on decaying buried rat.

Could anybody tell genus and if possible species of this fly?

Thanks in advance



Edited by Forentom on 29-07-2020 00:07

Posted by Juergen Peters on 29-07-2020 02:18

Forentom wrote:
Could anybody tell genus and if possible species of this fly?


1.) Where on the world was it found?
2.) Why do you put it in the "Eggs, larvae, pupae" section? It's an imago...

Posted by Paul Beuk on 29-07-2020 14:38

1) IP number in Germany, so presumable there.
2) Moved to the correct forum.

Looks like an Ischiolepta