Thread subject: :: Litophasia?
Posted by Waldgeist on 28-07-2020 02:26
Austria, Gleißenfeld, 27-Jul-2020
First I thought it is some fly like a Physiphora sp. (lifts the front legs like them) or Saltella sp.,
but then I noticed it has a similar wing venation like the Catharosia, so I found that other matching genus in Phasiinae :-)
Observed at the very same location like the Catharosia a few days ago.
Edited by Waldgeist on 28-07-2020 02:50
Posted by Waldgeist on 28-07-2020 02:26
photo #2
Posted by Zeegers on 28-07-2020 17:51
Holy **** !!!
You don’t see that often.
Please DO submit for the gallery.
Great work
Posted by Waldgeist on 29-07-2020 02:32
I went out today (28-Jul-2020) and I've found a few more (all of them on Heracleum sphondylium), just 200m from my home. They are together with Azelia spp., Sepsis spp., Saltella spp., Phasia spp., Physiphora alcaea, Gymnosoma spp. and many tiny Hymenoptera on that flowers
They are quite small, but if you know how they look like, then you see them everywhere :-)
Edited by Waldgeist on 29-07-2020 02:38
Posted by Zeegers on 29-07-2020 06:44
If they are common and you have the opportunity to collect a couple for me, please do.