Posted by Eric Steckx on 10-11-2005 17:07
Good evening,
I think this fly is a
Scatophaga sp, but not stercoraria, because the body and thighs are not so hairy.
What's your opinion ?
Posted by Kahis on 10-11-2005 17:36
Hmm, I think it could still be
stercoraria. It varies substantially and especially females can be rather sparsely haired. The color is also very variable, from golden yellow (the 'classical' stercoraria) to green-grey to brown.
Posted by Eric Steckx on 11-11-2005 18:13
Thanks Kahis,
Well, it could be S. stercoraria, but is this picture quite good to say "It is S. stercoraria" ?
What are the important details to see for this gender ?