Thread subject: :: Unknown orange brachycera on Sorbus (Germany)

Posted by AdrianBothe on 22-06-2020 20:04

Hi all,

on 22th June 2020 I found this rather large fly on the underside of a Sorbus aucuparia tree in a forest in Berlin, Germany. Could you help me with identification?

Thank you for your help in advance!

Best regards,

Posted by AdrianBothe on 22-06-2020 20:05

here is side view of the head

Posted by AdrianBothe on 22-06-2020 20:05

here is a detailed view of the wings

Posted by AdrianBothe on 22-06-2020 20:06

and here is another detail of the thorax

Posted by Tony Irwin on 22-06-2020 20:50

Dryomyzidae - Dryope flaveola perhaps

Posted by AdrianBothe on 22-06-2020 20:54

Really appreciate the help! I have never heard from this family name until now. :)

It seems in Germany that three species are present only: Dryope decrepita, D. flaveola and Neuroctena analis, the latter I exclude, as it has dark spots on the wings around the cross-veins

Edited by AdrianBothe on 22-06-2020 21:00

Posted by AdrianBothe on 22-06-2020 21:09

Due to the large size, I conclude that it is indeed Dryope flaveola. Thanks for the help!