Thread subject: :: Is this Platystoma lugubre?

Posted by AdrianBothe on 13-06-2020 03:50

Dear all,

on 12th of June 2020 I found this fly on a fence in north Berlin, Germany. Did I identify it correctly as Platystoma lugubre?

Thank you for your help in advance.

Best regards,

Edited by AdrianBothe on 13-06-2020 03:53

Posted by AdrianBothe on 13-06-2020 03:55

Here is a side view of the same fly.

Posted by AdrianBothe on 13-06-2020 03:56

Here another perspective of the specimen.

Posted by AdrianBothe on 13-06-2020 03:58

Here is a picture of the habitat. I found it sitting on the fence around a deserted building area.

Posted by Sundew on 14-06-2020 18:01

Red basitarsi should make it P. lugubre. P. seminationis has completely black feet.
BTW, nice to hear from you after a long time. Regards, Sundew

Posted by AdrianBothe on 14-06-2020 19:50

Dear Sundew,
thank you for your help! At the moment I have a little more time to go outside. :)
Regards, Adrian