Thread subject: :: Sciomyzidae I think,

Posted by Gordon on 09-06-2020 06:08

Can anybody help with ID?

Edited by Paul Beuk on 14-06-2020 11:28

Posted by Jan Maca on 09-06-2020 10:00

Rainieria latifrons (a rare species), I think.

Posted by Gordon on 09-06-2020 15:56

Thanks Jan.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 12-06-2020 10:22

Eh, Gordon, where was the picture taken? Your profile still is on Lake Kerkini but I get the feeling this might be a recent picture from the Oriental region... In that case not Rainieria latifrons but anoither species from the same subfamily

Posted by Gordon on 13-06-2020 03:49

Paul, I've no idea where the photo was taken, my website was recently resold and the new owner did a lot of improvements, including some new, and poorly identified images from who knows where. So it could be from Mars for all I know. It was labeled as Tipulidae, the new owner seems to want to look after the site, but is a techy, not a zoologist.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-06-2020 11:28

I have removed the image of this fly. It turns out to be a fly picture from shutterstock. I doubt I can be used without payment. The photographer is Thai by the way so it will be an Oriental one and it turned up in shutterstock under 'cranefly', hence the Tipulidae.