Thread subject: :: Chrysopilus laetus or other Rhagionidae?

Posted by Matzke-Hajek on 07-06-2020 22:06

A long legged fly with bicoloured eyes and spotted wings
Who can confirm my iID?
Greetings - GMH

Posted by Matzke-Hajek on 07-06-2020 22:07

and a second view...

Posted by Sundew on 08-06-2020 00:29

It is a Chrysopilus according to the very long arista. The key https://home.hccn...pilus.html leads us to the species nubeculus, laetus, and luteolus. In the thread it is supposed that laetus and luteolus are the same species and should have the name of the latter. I have no experience with nubeculus. So here I am at my wits' end - sorry!
Regards, Sundew

Posted by Zeegers on 08-06-2020 07:43

Definitely not nubecula, but without a visual on the abdomen, It still might be luteolus. Do you have more angles ?
