Posted by mwkozlowski on 31-10-2007 20:45
I am interesting in sit-and-wait tactics which is normal in predators but sometimes can be observed in parasitoits and - enough strange - in males of some beetles to "rape" females.
(1) there is a drawing of a tachinid
Rondania dimidiata in a clasical handbook Escherich (1923) with an explanation that the fly is waiting for the opportunity to insert its egg into oesophagus of a feeding
Brachyderes incanus (attached scan)
(2) I photographed once a
Drino fly in front of a group pine sawflies waiting motionless for more then two hours probably for a feeding bout of the larvae (pine sawflies feed in short and intense bouts).; unfortunately I had to leave the place before it might happen. (attached picture)
I am hungry for any information extending my scarce knowledge about this phenomenon.
any help?
thanks in advance!!!