Thread subject: :: Piophilidae

Posted by Paul Bowyer on 08-05-2020 21:42

Attracted to rotting chicken livers in my garden in Somerset, UK. I keyed it to Piophilidae but have no keys for this group. The setae on the thorax don't seem to fit for Piophila casei. Can anyone put a name to it?

Edited by Paul Bowyer on 08-05-2020 21:43

Posted by Paul Bowyer on 08-05-2020 21:44

Shot of the thorax

Posted by John Carr on 08-05-2020 22:17

If there are hairs on the anepimeron, consider Liopiophila varipes.

Posted by Paul Bowyer on 08-05-2020 23:15

Thank you John, yes there are hairs present.