Thread subject: :: Phasia subcoleoptrata?

Posted by knormann on 05-05-2020 20:20

Is this Phasia subcoleoptrata?
Found in Vennesla, Norway, 25.04.2020

Posted by Zeegers on 06-05-2020 08:06

Definitely Phasia, but I cannot tell you which one.
Photo is too blurrered, it might be Ph. obesa, though it definitely looks special.


Posted by knormann on 06-05-2020 21:15

Thank you, Theo!

I have this picture showing that the abdomen is yellow/orange. At least that shows it is not Ph. obesa, I guess.
Does this picture give you any more useful information?


Posted by Zeegers on 06-05-2020 21:27

I agree, I would be very surprised if this is obesa.

So sucoleoptrata is a very likely candidate, I see no other match for this pattern on thoracic dorsum.


Posted by knormann on 06-05-2020 22:52

Thanks a lot, Theo!

Best regards,

Posted by Zeegers on 07-05-2020 08:14

Given the recent outburst at Telemark, I think it is safe to call this one certain as well.
