Posted by nick upton on 17-04-2020 14:03
13.4.20 9mm in a garden, Box, Wiltshire, UK
Is it possible to ID this fly beyond Myopa sp. from these photos? I'm no expert but I think it may be Myopa pellucida based on characters described on Steven Falk's excellent UK identification site with detailed photos and notes on key features : "Resembling M. testacea but with the wings more strongly marked, particularly along the outer cross vein, and also with the hind part of the mesonotum reddish (black in M.. testacea) and fine black hairs on the upper cheeks (missing in M. testacea). The host species in Andrena cinerea which I do see in the garden from time to time and it is a common species locally.
Posted by nick upton on 17-04-2020 14:08
Final close up, with meosonotum