Thread subject: :: Suilla flava?photo resized

Posted by amalia_raluca on 26-10-2007 14:32

....or not even close?
Romania: Hunedoara, photo by A. Aredelean

Thank you in advance...

Edited by amalia_raluca on 06-12-2007 21:11

Posted by Kahis on 26-10-2007 14:35

A Suillia, but with only one small picture it may be impossible to say which one.

Posted by amalia_raluca on 26-10-2007 14:47

:)Maybe this photo will help you more....

Thank you very much

Edited by amalia_raluca on 06-12-2007 13:54

Posted by amalia_raluca on 06-12-2007 13:59

or this oneB)

Posted by Andrzej on 06-12-2007 14:51

The first photo is Suillia but not S. flava.
The second and third pictures presents a Sciomyzid fly.

Posted by amalia_raluca on 07-12-2007 14:01

well this is something that I haven't thought least not for the first and second picture.

thank you Adrzej

Posted by amalia_raluca on 07-12-2007 14:42

i looked trough the gallery at Sciomyzidae, but I didn't see any species looking alike the one I showed you...and in my opinion the morfology is distinct in my flies comparatively with the Sciomyzidae....but I am not en expert..

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 07-12-2007 15:37

Tetanocera spec.? It looks very much like a fly I posted here some time ago:


Edited by Jan Zwaaneveld on 07-12-2007 15:40

Posted by Jan Zwaaneveld on 07-12-2007 15:44

By the way, I am not convinced that the first photo is a different fly. They all look like Tetanocera to me.

Posted by Xespok on 07-12-2007 15:56

Me too.

Posted by Andrzej on 07-12-2007 20:24

Ok !,
but the smaller picture (before resizing) was for me really a Suillia :).
So better to collect the specimen and than determine it :)


Posted by amalia_raluca on 08-12-2007 19:14

thanks to all for your will be Tetanocera sp.
and sorry for my poor information concerning those flies...promise to learn