Posted by helge on 04-02-2020 10:48
Location: Austria, Springtime
Thank you for your help!
Edited by helge on 06-02-2020 10:51
Posted by Jan Maca on 04-02-2020 14:29
Yes, it is. Of course the male; female has clear wings. Even the female can be identifided easily. Like in the male, its arista is thick and dark, and it arises practically from the apex of 1st flagellomere (contrary to the genera like Elachiptera, which possess dorsal arista).
Last year I found one male and several females, after many years of absence of this nice species from my collection.
Edited by Jan Maca on 04-02-2020 17:52
Posted by von Tschirnhaus on 11-11-2022 15:52
Chloropidae, Oscinellinae: complete name: Gampsocera numerata (Heeger, 1858), type species of the genus