Thread subject: :: Therevidae

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-10-2005 09:23

End of june, Moscow region.
For quality reasons I didn't send this photo in june.

Posted by Robert Heemskerk on 30-10-2005 09:33


Could this fly be: - Empis tesselata - (Fabricius, 1794) ?

Orange/yellow legs and wingparts, grey/black neck-shield

regards, Robert Heemskerk

Edited by Robert Heemskerk on 30-10-2005 09:34

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-10-2005 10:32

Hello Robert.
No, it isn't Empididae, they looks like:

Posted by Zeegers on 30-10-2005 12:22

This is a Therevidae for sure.
Looks quite interesting.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Andre on 30-10-2005 16:04

Looks like Psilocephala (rustica..?)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-10-2005 17:24

As far as I understand it is male.
In this case it realy looks like Psilocephala.
If it is Psilocephala, than clearly separated eyes and visible caracters lead me to Psilocephala fuscipennis.
But available key is Bey-Bienko 1969, they admit that fauna of European Russia Therevidae is far from well known.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 01-11-2005 17:06

Could I ask the questions as:
1. Male?
2. Psilocephala?
3. Rather rustica or fuscipennis?

Posted by Andre on 02-11-2005 01:21

It looks like Psilocephala. I don't know fuscipennis (it is not a northwest-european species).
So I can only guess... and that is not what will help you. Sorry! :|
Maybe someone else here?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 02-11-2005 12:13

Thank you Andre, than I put it as Psilocephala sp. till farther information (if any).

Posted by Andre on 03-11-2005 01:38

Though no pictures, check the following site for distributions:

Posted by Maddin on 28-01-2006 03:36

According to Kevin Holston, this is a female Cliorismia, very likely the species ardea.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 28-01-2006 14:34

Thank you Martin (and Kevin).
1. To my excuse genus Cliorismia absent in Russian Diptera key. In Soveit Union we knew good enought only Diptera who disturb our way to Communist Future, such as Tabanidae or Simulidae ect. Therevidae did not mind aginst Communism, so was completly overlooked.
2. As for your question about 90% alcohol. Next time I'll put Irwiniella in. Just let me know which else Therevidae or whatever else you need.