Thread subject: :: Muscidae?
Posted by Rui Andrade on 21-10-2007 23:10
Is this a muscid? And is it possible to ID the species?
Thank you
location: Barcelos, Portugal
date: 2007/06/26
Posted by Rui Andrade on 22-10-2007 20:02
Doesn't anyone have an idea of what this is?
Posted by Tony Irwin on 23-10-2007 14:07
Sorry, Rui - I don't recognise it. Possiby a species of
Anthomyia, but I'm really not sure.
Posted by Rui Andrade on 23-10-2007 20:44
Thank you, Tony.
I don't know what is the size range in Anthomyia, but this fly was much bigger than the Anthomyia I usually see.