Thread subject: :: Heleomizydae ?

Posted by GAREL Jean-Michel on 18-12-2019 10:20

Is there an Heleomizydae ? and what species ? I have also a complete dorsal view and a lateral view.
Sincerely Yours.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 18-12-2019 10:54

Please, try attaching the image again. If you encounter issues, consult the FAQ (link in left column).

Posted by eklans on 18-12-2019 12:50

Hello Jean-Michel,

your image hasn't been loaded - I think it did not meet one of the requirements:
-No spaces in filename - only alphanumerics and '-' or '_'
-Use extension .jpg or .png and max. 200000 Byte, resolution max. 72 dpi
-Width should be max. 600 Pixels

Kind regards

Posted by GAREL Jean-Michel on 18-12-2019 17:04
Jean-Michel GAREL : France : Brannay : 89150 : 07/12/2019
Altitude : NR - Taille : 8 mm
Réf. : 244417


Posted by Andrzej on 19-12-2019 01:35

I'm not sure!
The pics and their resolution don't allow me to confirm your hypothesis...

Posted by Ectemnius on 19-12-2019 18:25

Hello GAREL Jean-Michel,

The fly shown belong in the family Dryomyzidae, the genus Dryope. Probably D. flaveola.

Kind regards,

Posted by GAREL Jean-Michel on 20-12-2019 10:21
Jean-Michel GAREL : France : Brannay : 89150 : 08/12/2019
Altitude : NR - Taille : Non mesuré
Réf. : 244473
Jean-Michel GAREL : France : Brannay : 89150 : 07/12/2019
Altitude : NR - Taille : 8 mm
Réf. : 244418
Is it possible with this two picts to confirm the genus ? Sincerely Yours.

Posted by evdb on 20-12-2019 15:52

In France we have Dryomyza flaveola, Driopes is not known to FE.
It seems to be a male in winter dark form.
Is that correct ?

Posted by Juergen Peters on 20-12-2019 16:27


evdb wrote:
In France we have Dryomyza flaveola, Driopes is not known to FE.

not Driopes, but Dryope. Formerly there where Neuroctena anilis and Dryomyza flaveola. They have changed to Dryomyza anilis and Dryope flaveola.
The latter is very active here in nothwest Germany during the last few warm days. The photo below of a couple is from our garden yesterday.

Posted by evdb on 20-12-2019 17:26

Thanks Jurgen I misspelled.
Anyway, french Museum still says Dryomyza flaveola (synonym : Dryope communis) the joys of taxonomy !

Edited by evdb on 20-12-2019 17:27

Posted by Ectemnius on 21-12-2019 11:49

Hello Eugene & Jurgen,

Jurgen is right, the correct name is Dryope flaveola (Fabricius, 1794). A museum can say a lot of things. That does mean nothing, however. Published research should be the basis for the correct usage of a name. In the family Dryomyzidae just such a publication is available to unravel the longtime confusion about the correct name of the European species in Dryomyzidae. See here: https://repositor...sAllowed=y

Kind regards,

Posted by evdb on 21-12-2019 12:07

Thanks Ectemnius, we will take this into account.