Thread subject: :: Paykullia partenopea - Not Paykullia maculata

Posted by Jessica on 28-10-2019 13:37


I was thinking that this couple was two Paykullia maculata, but the males of this species have more spaced eyes. The costal and subcostal cells are blacklish too ...

So who are they ?

Edited by Jessica on 02-11-2019 12:22

Posted by Zeegers on 28-10-2019 14:37

I see your point, still, it looks like Paykullia.
There are more species.

Where is it from and what is the date ?


Posted by Jessica on 28-10-2019 15:13

It was taken on the 27 april 2019, at Mazères (south of France), close to Pyrénées (approxymately 60km) but at low altitude (200m).

According to FE, there is just one species of Paykullia in France :s

EDIT : Someone tell me that in Corse there is too P. partenopea et P. insularis

EDIT 2 : In Spain, there is Paykullia partenopea

Edited by Jessica on 28-10-2019 16:53

Posted by Jessica on 02-11-2019 10:00

An idea for the species ?

Posted by Zeegers on 02-11-2019 10:17

Edit 2 is what I was / am thinking.


Posted by Jessica on 02-11-2019 10:20


Thank you very much :)

Posted by Zeegers on 02-11-2019 11:42

Please submit for the gallery !


Posted by Jessica on 02-11-2019 12:22

Done :)