Thread subject: :: Trichoceridae ID? => Trichocera annulata

Posted by jojo on 18-10-2019 18:54

Hallo together, who can help me with the identification of this Trichoceridae?

Many thanks for an answer !

locality: Germany Odenwald - about 300 m altitude
fotodate: 31.10.2012

Best Regards Jochen

Edited by jojo on 28-06-2020 10:39

Posted by jojo on 18-10-2019 18:54

pic 2

Edited by jojo on 18-10-2019 18:55

Posted by Andrius on 06-05-2020 12:37

This one is Trichocera annulata

Posted by jojo on 28-06-2020 10:03

Many thanks, Andrius