Posted by Dmitry Gavryushin on 16-10-2007 18:23
June 10, 2007, Naro-Fominsk, Moscow region, Russia. Shady wind-protected edge of a pine forest. Photographed together with
Paranthomyza nitida, Eutycera, Calliopum, etc. I noticed that fly in my pictures trying to find a good match for G. Montgomery's fly. I think it fits into Shewell's criteria who suggested this genus for some American
Meiosimyza (
Lyciella of the author): occiput slightly concave, frons with 2, pronotum with 4 brown stripes, dark spot between eye and mouth, acrostichals short, pteropleura bare (Shatalkin, 2000, p. 63).
Posted by Kahis on 16-10-2007 18:33
You are right.
Edit: ...or we are both wrong ;)
Edited by Kahis on 16-10-2007 18:33