Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 15-10-2007 01:05
* locality - Silgueiros - Viseu - PORTUGAL
* date - 2007.10.13
* size - 2 mm (very small fly)
* habitat - indoors
* substrate - my monitor :)
I tried to put this fly in a vial but I damaged this very fragile fly. It has a very and typical antennas for Cecidomyiidae. It was the first time I saw an imago of this family. The wing venation: it has just three longitudinal veins. Tibiae have no bristles.
Posted by Paul Beuk on 15-10-2007 07:20
Cecidomyiidae are difficult alive and you try to get us to identify a damaged dead one? LoL
Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 15-10-2007 09:22
of course, Paul. This is really a challenge. More tougher than wandering in Cambodja fields. :D