Thread subject: :: family? Sciomyzidae Pteromicra sp
Posted by johnes81 on 25-08-2019 14:09
Berlin - July 2014
Hello everyone,
I only have one photo and i made it with a compact camera (cheap garbage) in 2014. I just started paying attention to diptera in 2014. I knew nothing about cameras or photography. Sorry for the bad quality but it is what it is. I don't know which family this belongs to. I'd like to get an idea of what it is and hopefully i can find it again for macro photos.
Thank you,
Edited by johnes81 on 25-08-2019 20:03
Posted by Paul Beuk on 25-08-2019 14:12
Sciomyzidae, for starters
Posted by johnes81 on 25-08-2019 14:18
Thank you, Paul. I didn't think about Sciomyzidae. I need to polish my identification skills. Meantime, i'm going to see if i can find this again. I may still have time this year. I have photos of a similar species but mostly yellow in the same place - a local park with a marsh and pond. I'll keep looking this year. I'd like to get better photos and id it.
Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-08-2019 18:35
I'd say Pteromicra (angustipennis?)
Posted by johnes81 on 25-08-2019 20:03
Hello and Thank you, Nikita. I hope o find it this year. I will start hunting in the reeds again.
I hope that you and your wife are doing well.
Best wishes,