Thread subject: :: Thereva atripes

Posted by johnes81 on 19-08-2019 14:02

Hello everyone,

I cannot find Thereva atripes at fauna europaea so what is the synonym?
I am wondering if anyone has a description of Thereva atripes?

Actually, i could use descriptions for all Thereva sp from central Europe.

Thank you,

Posted by skrylten on 19-08-2019 18:04

Hi John,

It has a note as "Eastern species" in this key http://www.entomo...-falck.pdf.
Just Norwegian species but maybe some help for you ...

/Leif K

Posted by johnes81 on 19-08-2019 19:04

Thank you Lief. Very nice document. I didn't notice this document before.

I realize that it is Eastern but i keyed some photos to it based upon what is visible. I figure that i either made a mistake or it could be correct. A problem is that the abdomen is not completely visible. However, the wings are darkened and the legs appear to be black with only a hint of brown on the tibiae in direct sunlight. I have no idea what it could be. Alot of Thereva posts go unanswered here so i am trying to place it with descriptions.

Thank you very much for this reply, Lief. I am happy to have some more info.

Best wishes,