Thread subject: :: Empididae (?) - hind legs with bristle rows
Posted by Sundew on 13-10-2007 17:40
I do not know where to put this fly. The hind legs have striking comb-like bristle rows, and I hope this character may lead to genus identification. As in most of my threads, I have to apologize for pics too small to show the minutest details. However, I trust in the experts' experience.
Thanks, Sundew
Posted by conopid on 13-10-2007 18:17
I cannot see if your fly has a long slender proboscis, otherwise it looks somewhat like the Empis pexata in the gallery
Probably not possible to do from the small photos. :(
Edited by conopid on 13-10-2007 18:18
Posted by Sundew on 13-10-2007 19:11
Well, the leg bristles point to
Empis, but the proboscis does not match! In the gallery, both
E. pennipes and
E. pexata have remarkably long, slender ones, but in all my photos only a short one is seen! Can it be retractable? Many flies are able to do so, but in this family the probosci look rather stiff. There are gallery photos of
Rhamphomyia with a short proboscis, and one species has even similar bristles, but the body colour is different. Please, Empididae experts, help to solve the question...
Posted by Kahis on 13-10-2007 19:17
Rhamphomyia (Empididae)
Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-10-2007 08:24
It would help to have a date with it...
Posted by Sundew on 14-10-2007 12:27
Date is: yesterday :)!
Posted by Paul Beuk on 14-10-2007 20:05
Best chance:
Rhamphomyia erythrophthalma: female have slightly broadened and darkened wings.
Posted by Sundew on 14-10-2007 20:44
Thanks to all for help! If I meet my female fly again around the house I shall tell her what an international team cooperated to find out her name - she will be impressed :o, at least I am! What would I do without you.
Warm regards, Sundew