Thread subject: :: medium-sized fly with striking silhouette

Posted by Sundew on 10-10-2007 23:35

Here comes a fly that reveals its full beauty only in a lateral view! I hope the characteristic silhouette, together with the nice colouring, will enable identification. Photographed in Berlin today.
Thanks, Sundew

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 10-10-2007 23:58

Female of Dichetophora obliterata, Sciomyzidae

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 11-10-2007 00:04

Spectacular fly! Today you saw much more interesting flies than me. :(
Keep up sending flies photos. ;)

Posted by Sundew on 11-10-2007 00:14

Boys, you are fast!!! Dipterists seem to become active after midnight. Thanks for the species name, dear Nikita! I knew you would know.
Don't worry, Jorge, there are still lots of fly photos in store that were taken in my holidays. Meanwhile I found out some names myself, but there is enough determination work left for the winter months.
Best wishes, Sundew