Thread subject: :: Calliopum (was: No idea)
Posted by Michael Becker on 10-10-2007 15:40
what kind of fly is this, with striped eyes and a metallic body? (found in Rhineland on the flower heads of Tanacetum vulgare. Size about 5mm)
Edited by Michael Becker on 11-10-2007 05:55
Posted by conopid on 10-10-2007 16:00
It's from the family Lauxanidae. Probably Calliopum spp?
Edited by conopid on 10-10-2007 16:02
Posted by Michael Becker on 10-10-2007 19:48
Thank you for your answer Nigel,
the fly looks indeed exactly as Calliopum simillimum in den gallery.
Posted by Paul Beuk on 10-10-2007 20:46
Most of the time pictures will not allow differentiation between
C. aeneum and
C. simillimum.
Posted by Sundew on 10-10-2007 20:57
They seem to have flying season at the moment! See my thread
http://www.dipter...ad_id=9068 from yersterday. Today I photographed another one and clearly saw the striped eyes.
Greetings, Sundew
Posted by Michael Becker on 11-10-2007 06:03
I found a specimen from last september on my harddisk, labeled Calliopum aeneum, parhaps not correctly. Here is it. What is the difference between those two species.
Posted by Paul Beuk on 11-10-2007 07:35
The usually given differences are only in male and female genitalia. There are, however, also differences in dusting on the face and the spines on the tibiae. None of these are visible in your image.
Posted by conopid on 11-10-2007 08:11
I have a few specimens of Calliopum for id. Can you advise how to determine them? What references are there (if any) for this genus?
Any help gratefully received.